
About Me

My evolution as a photographer has been largely shaped by my family. As a first generation Italian-American, I grew up documenting my families culinary adventures. With an old twin-lens Yashica camera I feel in love with the observation, the stillness, the quiet shutter, and the ability to make magic in a darkroom.

After graduating with a BFA in Photography from Columbia College, I began my path into commercial photography, working on a wide range of projects including album covers, furniture catalogs, fashion editorial and corporate events.

As the Director of Photography for Frontgate Catalog I am fully immersed in the world of commercial photography.  I strive everyday to learn and share the thoughtful process of expressing emotion through imagery.  I live for seeing the light and playing in the shadows.  I look forward to the end result and watching the image come to life through all the hands that it passes through.

This business to me is family-focused. Full of comradery, collaboration and teamwork.  I enjoy forming that unique bond with the crew, similar to that of my family.  I simply love what I do and work hard to make everyday an opportunity to grow.